Skin Care

Dr. Rachel Steiner

Your skin is your best protection your body has yet it can be your
worst enemy at times. It shows the stories of your life from a sun
kissed tan to the glow of pregnancy. Or the less welcoming times like
teenage acne or purple bags under the eyes from lack of sleep. Your
skin can tell you a lot about your health and is the most important
barrier between the environment and your body.

A lot of focus with skin is how to protect it from the sun’s rays, but
there are many other simple ways to keep your exterior in fabulous
shape for years. When you look in any women’s magazine or watch
television commercials, there are always advertisements for the best
skin creams that often times easily run over $100 for a small jar.
These creams/gels/facial peels supposedly hold the potion to magically
keeping your skin looking young and fresh.  They should work for the
price and some probably do, however I did my research on some things
you can be doing daily for almost no cost at all to help improve your
skin and maintain its youth.

Monitor Your Dairy Intake
Research from the Harvard School of Public Health found that teenage
girls who consume a lot of dairy are almost 30% more likely to have
acne than those who don’t. Experts believe the same holds true for
adult women prone to serious breakouts as well. Scientists still do
not completely understand why dairy products can lead to acne, but it
is thought the natural hormones present in dairy may be to blame.
While cutting back on dairy won’t solve acne problems single-handedly,
it may make a difference for those who suffer severe breakouts.

Sleep a Full Night
While you are sleeping, our skin’s repair mechanisms swing into
action. In contrast if you are sleep-deprived, this puts stress on the
body causing it to release more adrenaline and cortisol, which can
trigger breakouts and other skin problems. Studies also found that
insufficient sleep is a significant risk factor for acne among
adolescents. Getting seven to eight hours of shut-eye is an easy way
to allow your skin to repair properly.

Eat Healthy Fats
You've probably heard how omega-3 fatty acids have a heart-healthy
impact but the benefits also go skin deep. Many skin issues such as
psoriasis, eczema and acne are made worse by inflammation in the body.
Omega-3's not only reduce inflammation but our bodies need these good
fats to help produce its own natural oils to help keep moisture in for
soft, hydrated skin. These good fats are found in many foods such as
salmon, walnuts, fresh tuna, flax seed, and soybeans.

Physical Activity
The benefits of exercise go beyond burning calories and gaining
muscle. Exercise increases circulation making it easier for nutrients
to reach the skin. Proper nutrition to the skin allows it to heal
conditions like acne and can you’re your skin a nice glow. Exercise
also reduces the stress hormone epinephrine which causes your blood
flow to decrease and can lead to blotchy red looking skin. Just
remember to wash your face before and after you workout to keep pores
clear of sweat and dirt.

Moisturize your skin
Moisturizing your skin can help plump it up, making it look smoother
as opposed to dry skin which highlights wrinkles. Think of a grape
versus a raisin- the only difference is water.  A natural, inexpensive
skin moisturizer is coconut oil. It has become popular to use it for
cosmetic purposes to improve the health and appearance of skin and
hair. Studies show that when applied to dry skin, it improves the
moisture and lipid content making it soft and hydrated.

With these tips you can still pamper yourself without putting a dent
in your bank account. Proper skin care and healthy lifestyle choices
can help delay the natural aging process and keep you looking your