During the first stage of spinal degeneration a minor loss of spinal curvature and normal balance may be experienced. This leads to stress of the surrounding features of the spine such as disc, joints, nerves and posture causing them to age faster. Because the body is so adaptable, this phase might present with no warning of pain or other symptoms. With proper care, there is an excellent chance of reducing or reversing the degeneration in this phase.
By the second stage of spinal degeneration, you are likely to experience pain, aches, stress, and fatigue. There is a much greater degree of decay, bone spurs, disc narrowing, and postural changes are much worse due to the lack of normal joint movement. Decrease height and spinal canal narrowing or stenosis may occur. This condition is very common in 80% of males and 76% of females by the age of 40. It is vital that these symptoms are not ignored as chiropractic care during this phase can lead to significant improvement.
After years of neglect you will probably experience a loss of energy, loss of height, increased nerve damage, restriction of motion, abnormal curvature of the spine, more postural imbalances, permanent scar tissue and advanced bone deformation. At this stage physical and/ or mental disability begins. Chiropractic care can reduce some of the effects of this stage.
This is the most advanced form of subluxation degeneration. The postural imbalance is severe and motion is limited. Most of the damage that as occurred in this stage is now permanent. There is severe nerve damage, massive calcium damage, permanent scar tissue has formed and bones may begin to fuse. This results from long term neglect of spinal subluxation. At this point we can offer pain management and treatments to increase your comfort levels. If you have not reached this point, be sure to start treatment right away to prevent the condition's effects from continuing.