The Day of the Exam:
Bring Medical Records, if necessary
Bring a list of current medications
Bring eye glasses/contact lenses
Drink plenty of water; a full Urinalysis is included
Medical Records to Bring
Diabetic Condition – Bring a list of medications and name of prescribing doctor.
High Blood Pressure – Bring a list of medications and name of prescribing doctor.
Heart Condition – If you’ve had a heart attack or cardiovascular disease, you’ll need to bring a copy of your last stress test.
Sleep Apnea – Bring a copy of your latest sleep test results, if you have one.
Medications – List all the prescription medicines you take, including strength and dosage. If you regularly take over-the-counter medications such as antacids or allergy pills, list them, too.
Contact information – Have names and phone numbers of your doctors in case you need to call and have them fax missing information