Your first visit will last between 30-60 minutes. Upon entering our office you will be asked to fill out the new patient intake form, which can be filled out in the office or sent and returned by e-mail. To request paperwork by email, just fill out the form at the bottom of the contact page. The new patient intake form gives us information on current and past injuries, family history, current medications, what type of pain you're experiencing, and any daily activities that it affects. We will also need to make a copy of two forms of identification, for example your drivers license and insurance card.

Next, you will be given a tour of the office and taken to the new patient room where the doctor will go over your new patient intake form and perform a physical exam. The physical exam is tailored to your condition and may consist of a posture and balance exam, sensory and muscle testing, flexibility, reflexes and orthopedic tests to help us diagnose the problem.

After the physical exam, you will be taken to the x-ray room if needed to have any medically necessary x-rays taken. The x-rays are used to help us create the most effective treatment plan for you, see any serious underlying ailments, and provide us with a blueprint of your spine.

Once all of the information is collected, the doctor will sit down with you and explain your exam results and any x-rays that were taken.  We will give you a detailed report of all of your findings and answer any questions that you have including what we can do to help, how long it will take, and what course of treatment is best for you. Treatment will start on your first day at our office!